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My notes are only appearing on the left side of the screen.

Open the strumline options and for the bf strumline set the X ratio to 0.75, and for the dad strumline set the X ratio to 0.25.

The character editor is buggy.

Please have some patience as we are working on fixing the issues that are causing this.

Rotating a strum moves the notes.

To prevent this behavior, you can do strum.noteAngle = 0;

Velocity/Acceleration doesn't move my sprite

You need to set sprite.moves = true; to make it move, its automatically enabled if you set the property using <property /> on velocity.x and velocity.y or acceleration.x and acceleration.y in the stage xml.

We made it turned off automatically to optimize the game since it's useless to have it running for sprites that don't use it.

FlxBar doesn't work

This is likely due to you are doing

var variable:Float = 0;

bar = new FlxBar(x, y, FlxBarFillDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 400, 20, this, "variable");

variable = 50;

When you should be doing

var barData = {
    variable: 0,

bar = new FlxBar(x, y, FlxBarFillDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 400, 20, barData, "variable"); // The change was changing `this` to `barData`

o.variable = 50;

The reason this happens is because the this variable points to PlayState.instance, instead of what you expect to be the script, and even if you do __script__ it still sadly won't work since FlxBar doesn't check variables in the script.

Small tip: if you want the bar to be smooth you should do bar.unbounded = true;

Atlas animations don't work

This could be due to multiple reasons, but one of the most common ones are that you are using"animation") instead of sprite.playAnim("animation"). If you are using the raw FlxAnimate class then you need to use"animation") instead.

The "stage" variable doesn't work

This could be because you are using a stage xml with a sprite with the name "stage", this issue only happens in the stage script.

To fix this, rename the sprite to something else.

I get a git clone error

This is a known issue with the repository, and is being worked on.

For now you can use the following command to fix it:

git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
Written by: Ne_Eo
Last updated: 2025-01-08