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Custom Options


Custom Options

You may find it useful to have custom options specific to your mod, thankfully you can do just that!

To get started, put a file in ./data/config called options.xml.

There already exists a template for you to look on, and it looks something like this:

<menu name="Mod Options" desc="Modify mod options here">

    <checkbox id="checkboxExample" name="Checkbox example" />

    <number id="numberExample" name="Number example" min="0" max="10" change="1"/>

    <choice id="choiceExample" name="Choice Example">
        <value name="Disabled" value="disabled"/>
        <value name="This only" value="thisOnly"/>
        <value name="All" value="all"/>

    <menu name="Submenu Example" desc="Submenu test">
        <checkbox id="levelOfIdk2" name="Level of idk" />


You're likely wondering: "how does each type of option work?" That's what is about to be explained!!

All option types (except for <menu>) share 2 common properties:

Here's what the properties for each type are:

Accessing them in Scripts is done via, as you can see below.

var checkboxExample =;

You may have noticed that none of the option types have a default value property, this is because you have to set the default values yourself (in a global script).
You have to do this otherwise your options won't save correctly!

This is rather easy to do, put this in ./data/global.hx:

function new() {
    // is your mod's save data
    if( == null) = true;

    // You can also do
    // ??= true;
Written by: Frakits & Swordcube
Last updated: 2024-09-11