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Custom Transitions


Custom Transitions

Custom State Transitions

Transition scripts allow for making your own transition, or modifying the existing one, all without source coding a bit.
To do so, you must load it from a Script (anyone really).

MusicBeatTransition.script = 'data/scripts/customTransition';

This snippet would load from ./data/scripts looking for the customTransition.hx script.

You can mod the transition in any way you'd like. For example, making the transition go left to right:

function postCreate(event) {
    transitionTween.cancel(); // Disabling original tween

    // Rotating Sprites
    transitionSprite.angle = event.transOut ? -90 : 90;
    transitionSprite.setGraphicSize(transitionCamera.height, transitionCamera.width); transitionSprite.updateHitbox(); // Once with switched angle, proportions need to go along
    blackSpr.setPosition(event.transOut ? -transitionCamera.width : transitionCamera.width, 0); // Doing X instead of Y tween
    // Updating camera direction to change X instead of Y       
    transitionCamera.flipY = false;
    transitionCamera.flipX = !event.transOut;

    transitionTween = FlxTween.tween(transitionCamera.scroll, {x: -transitionCamera.width}, 2/3, {ease: FlxEase.sineOut, onComplete: (_) -> finish()});

Or even, cancelling the base one for one of your own:

function create(event) {

    // your code here

It's all up to preference.

(Note: event has more parameters, and there exists other calls. Check All Script Calls, to learn more)

Skipping Prevental

In Codename Engine, you can skip transitions by holding SHIFT.
But as always, it's possible to avoid it.

To prevent it, disable allowSkip

function create(event) {
    allowSkip = false;

    // transition code below
Written by: BerGP
Last updated: 2025-02-08