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Character/Stage Scripts


Character/Stage Scripts

Character/Stage Scripts run alongside them, or something like that.

Character Scripts

You can create one of those by making a Script file alongside your character's XML data file (./data/characters/)
In these scripts you don't need to specify the character, since the character becomes the Script's parent.

Here's an example of a Character Script that makes the character spin..:

function update(elapsed) {
    angle += elapsed * 10;

Stage Scripts

Creating one of those also goes next to the Stage XML data file (./data/stages/).
This script also takes the Stage as it's parent, thus not needing to use stage.getSprite(), instead, sprites becomes the variables

Here's an example:

function postCreate() {
    // animatedObject has already been defined in the XML file.
    animatedObject.frames = Paths.getFrames("animatedObject");
    animatedObject.animation.addByPrefix("idle", "idle", 24, true);"idle");
Written by: Frakits
Last updated: 2024-09-02