Static variables
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createStrumline(strumLineID:Int, strL:ChartStrumLine, addToUndo:Bool = true, __createNotes:Bool = true):Void
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deleteSingleSelection(selected:ICharterSelectable, addToUndo:Bool = true):Null<ICharterSelectable>
Inherited Variables
Defined by UIState
Defined by MusicBeatState
graphicCache:GraphicCacheSprite = new GraphicCacheSprite()
Dummy sprite used to cache graphics to GPU.
Current injected script attached to the state. To add one, create a file at path "data/states/stateName" (ex: data/states/FreeplayState)
Inherited Methods
Defined by UIState
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openContextMenu(options:Array<UIContextMenuOption>, ?callback:Null<UIContextMenuCallback>, ?x:Float, ?y:Float):UIContextMenu
Defined by MusicBeatState
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lerp(v1:Float, v2:Float, ratio:Float, fpsSensitive:Bool = false):Float
Shortcut to FlxMath.lerp
or CoolUtil.lerp
, depending on fpsSensitive
v1 | Value 1 |
v2 | Value 2 |
ratio | Ratio |
fpsSensitive | Whenever the ratio should not be adjusted to run at the same speed independent of framerate. |