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Pause and Game Over Scripts


Pause and Game Over Scripts

Pause Scripts

Pause Scripts can change the pause menu, either entirely or tiny bits of it.
To use one, you have to load it from a Script (any script can do, even Song Scripts).

PauseSubState.script = 'data/scripts/pause';

This code points to the script that can be found in ./data/scripts/ and is called pause.hx.

You can do many things in this script. For example, this is how you can override it and have your own entirely custom pause menu here:

function create(event) {

    camera = pauseCam = new FlxCamera();
    pauseCam.bgColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT;
    FlxG.cameras.add(pauseCam, false);

    // your code here

(create's event has more parameters than that. Check for All of the script calls, and for calls other than create)
This script will prevent the base pause menu from loading and allows you to add whatever you want to it.

Important functions to use when coding the pause menu:

Game Over Scripts

Game over scripts work the same as Pause Scripts, though presents some differences. This is how you load one:

GameOverSubstate.script = "data/scripts/gameover"

This code points to the script that can be found in ./data/scripts/ and is called gameover.hx.

Here's an example of playing a video when the player dies:

function create(event) {
    event.cancel(); // cancels out initializing characters and stuff

    deathVideo = new FlxVideo();
    var path = Paths.file("videos/death.mp4");

create's event has even more parameters for changing SFX and other stuff. Check for All of the script calls, and for calls other than create.

Written by: Frakits & usb_port_2
Last updated: 2024-08-31