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Static variables

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@:value(4)staticbeatsPerMeasure:Float = 4

Number of beats per mesure (top number in time signature). Defaults to 4.

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@:value(100)staticbpm:Float = 100

Current BPM

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@:value([])staticbpmChangeMap:Array<BPMChangeEvent> = []

Array of all BPM changes that have been mapped.

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@:value(((60 / bpm) * 1000))staticcrochet:Float = ((60 / bpm) * 1000)

Current Crochet (time per beat), in milliseconds.

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@:value(0)staticcurBeat:Int = 0

Current beat

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@:value(0)staticcurBeatFloat:Float = 0

Current beat, as a Float (ex: 1.24, instead of 1)

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@:value(0)staticcurMeasure:Int = 0

Current measure

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@:value(0)staticcurMeasureFloat:Float = 0

Current measure, as a Float (ex: 1.24, instead of 1)

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@:value(0)staticcurStep:Int = 0

Current step

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@:value(0)staticcurStepFloat:Float = 0

Current step, as a Float (ex: 4.94, instead of 4)

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@:value(new FlxTypedSignal())staticonBPMChange:FlxTypedSignal<Float ‑> Void> = new FlxTypedSignal()

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@:value(new FlxTypedSignal())staticonBeatHit:FlxTypedSignal<Int ‑> Void> = new FlxTypedSignal()

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@:value(new FlxTypedSignal())staticonMeasureHit:FlxTypedSignal<Int ‑> Void> = new FlxTypedSignal()


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@:value(new FlxTypedSignal())staticonStepHit:FlxTypedSignal<Int ‑> Void> = new FlxTypedSignal()

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@:value(0)staticsongOffset:Float = 0

Offset of the song


Current position of the song, in milliseconds.

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@:value(crochet / 4)staticstepCrochet:Float = crochet / 4

Current StepCrochet (time per step), in milliseconds.

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@:value(4)staticstepsPerBeat:Float = 4

Number of steps per beat (bottom number in time signature). Defaults to 4.

Static methods

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@:value({ stepsPerBeat : 4, beatsPerMeasure : 4 })staticchangeBPM(newBpm:Float, beatsPerMeasure:Float = 4, stepsPerBeat:Float = 4):Void

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Maps BPM changes from a song.



Song to map BPM changes from.