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Static variables

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@:value(["HScript Call", "Camera Movement", "Add Camera Zoom", "Camera Modulo Change", "Camera Flash", "BPM Change", "Scroll Speed Change", "Alt Animation Toggle", "Play Animation"])staticdefaultEventsList:Array<String> = ["HScript Call", "Camera Movement", "Add Camera Zoom", "Camera Modulo Change", "Camera Flash", "BPM Change", "Scroll Speed Change", "Alt Animation Toggle", "Play Animation"]

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@:value(["HScript Call" =&gt; [{ name : "Function Name", type : TString, defValue : "myFunc" }, { name : "Function Parameters (String split with commas)", type : TString, defValue : "" }], "Camera Movement" =&gt; [{ name : "Camera Target", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }], "Add Camera Zoom" =&gt; [{ name : "Amount", type : TFloat(-10, 10, 0.01, 2), defValue : 0.05 }, { name : "Camera", type : TDropDown(["camGame", "camHUD"]), defValue : "camGame" }], "Camera Modulo Change" =&gt; [{ name : "Modulo Interval (Beats)", type : TInt(1, 9999999, 1), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Bump Strength", type : TFloat(0.1, 10, 0.01, 2), defValue : 1 }], "Camera Flash" =&gt; [{ name : "Reversed?", type : TBool, defValue : false }, { name : "Color", type : TColorWheel, defValue : "#FFFFFF" }, { name : "Time (Steps)", type : TFloat(0.25, 9999, 0.25, 2), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Camera", type : TDropDown(["camGame", "camHUD"]), defValue : "camHUD" }], "BPM Change" =&gt; [{ name : "Target BPM", type : TFloat(1), defValue : 100 }], "Scroll Speed Change" =&gt; [{ name : "Tween Speed?", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "New Speed", type : TFloat(0.01, 99, 0.01, 2), defValue : 1. }, { name : "Tween Time (Steps)", type : TFloat(0.25, 9999, 0.25, 2), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Tween Ease (ex: circ, quad, cube)", type : TDropDown(["linear", "back", "bounce", "circ", "cube", "elastic", "expo", "quad", "quart", "quint", "sine", "smoothStep", "smootherStep"]), defValue : "linear" }, { name : "Tween Type (ex: InOut)", type : TDropDown(["In", "Out", "InOut"]), defValue : "In" }], "Alt Animation Toggle" =&gt; [{ name : "Enable On Sing Poses", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "Enable On Idle", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "Strumline", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }], "Play Animation" =&gt; [{ name : "Character", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }, { name : "Animation", type : TString, defValue : "animation" }, { name : "Is forced?", type : TBool, defValue : true }]])staticdefaultEventsParams:Map<String, Array<EventParamInfo>> = ["HScript Call" => [{ name : "Function Name", type : TString, defValue : "myFunc" }, { name : "Function Parameters (String split with commas)", type : TString, defValue : "" }], "Camera Movement" => [{ name : "Camera Target", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }], "Add Camera Zoom" => [{ name : "Amount", type : TFloat(-10, 10, 0.01, 2), defValue : 0.05 }, { name : "Camera", type : TDropDown(["camGame", "camHUD"]), defValue : "camGame" }], "Camera Modulo Change" => [{ name : "Modulo Interval (Beats)", type : TInt(1, 9999999, 1), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Bump Strength", type : TFloat(0.1, 10, 0.01, 2), defValue : 1 }], "Camera Flash" => [{ name : "Reversed?", type : TBool, defValue : false }, { name : "Color", type : TColorWheel, defValue : "#FFFFFF" }, { name : "Time (Steps)", type : TFloat(0.25, 9999, 0.25, 2), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Camera", type : TDropDown(["camGame", "camHUD"]), defValue : "camHUD" }], "BPM Change" => [{ name : "Target BPM", type : TFloat(1), defValue : 100 }], "Scroll Speed Change" => [{ name : "Tween Speed?", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "New Speed", type : TFloat(0.01, 99, 0.01, 2), defValue : 1. }, { name : "Tween Time (Steps)", type : TFloat(0.25, 9999, 0.25, 2), defValue : 4 }, { name : "Tween Ease (ex: circ, quad, cube)", type : TDropDown(["linear", "back", "bounce", "circ", "cube", "elastic", "expo", "quad", "quart", "quint", "sine", "smoothStep", "smootherStep"]), defValue : "linear" }, { name : "Tween Type (ex: InOut)", type : TDropDown(["In", "Out", "InOut"]), defValue : "In" }], "Alt Animation Toggle" => [{ name : "Enable On Sing Poses", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "Enable On Idle", type : TBool, defValue : true }, { name : "Strumline", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }], "Play Animation" => [{ name : "Character", type : TStrumLine, defValue : 0 }, { name : "Animation", type : TString, defValue : "animation" }, { name : "Is forced?", type : TBool, defValue : true }]]

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@:value(defaultEventsList.copy())staticeventsList:Array<String> = defaultEventsList.copy()

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@:value(defaultEventsParams.copy())staticeventsParams:Map<String, Array<EventParamInfo>> = defaultEventsParams.copy()

Static methods